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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Forgot to Mention...

I forgot to mention in my last post what was so exciting! I have so much going on in my head that I forget to mention them all...well, most of them.  Got to keep some secrets to myself...hehehe.

Anyhoo, I mentioned on Facebook that a few months ago I was considering taking Real Estate classes to get my license.  I put it on the back burner when I was hired here at Cimarron Hills.  You will see how everything I'm about to write here ties in together.  So I'm ferociously looking for a job. Newspaper, Monster, and even Craigslist.  I find one that I think will fit my qualifications and send my cover letter and resume.  Not even 10 minutes later I get an email wondering if I can come in for an interview.  The quick response made me think "this could be good".  Within the email of course I find out what the business is and where, etc.  When I looked up Cimarron Hills online, it really peaked my interest.  My interview is the next day, so Tim and I drive out to Cimarron the night before and look through the community and the beautiful town of Georgetown.  We eat at the Monument Cafe, which was delicious...they have the best biscuit/bun by the way.

After going through the Cimarron community I go to their website and do a little research so I'm prepared.  I plan what I'm going to wear so I can make a good impression and head out the door with a positive attitude and a big smile.  I get to the office and find that my lip is on the floor and I possibly may be drooling even?  The office is gorgeous and I am already visualizing that I work at Cimarron...are you getting the picture here with the positive thinking and visualization?

I go into my interview with Judie and everything goes well, very well.  I like her alot and we seem to click.  This was a Thursday I believe and I find out I'm the very first interview and she has 3 more that day and another 5 or more Friday.  I keep thinking positive thoughts and go on my way.  I don't hear anything over the weekend or Monday and am just about ready to call when my phone rings.  Judie asks if I could come in for a second interview in about 2 hours.  Of course!  I get ready, put my dress and my cowboy boots on and head back to Cimarron.  She just has one question...why I have so many jobs on my resume!  Immediately I say "Oh that's easy to explain!" and tell her about where we lived in Minnesota and that good job opportunities were hard to come by and how far away we lived from a town of about 10,000, not too mention I spent many years following Shelby and the basketball team around, etc.  She offers me the job.... I'm working as an Administrative Assistant in the Realty Division at Cimarron Hills.  I love my job and working here and as I learn more about the future building plans, etc. I start to think maybe, just maybe I should look into taking those classes.  Then last week a realtor comes into the office because she has a home listed in Cimarron.  I wanted to see the home since it was vacant and she said she would walk me through it. She told me her story about moving here from California, didn't know anyone, took the classes and did very well her first year in a declining market because of the economy.  When she told me what she made that first year, my ears perked up a little bit...well, more than a little bit.  I ask her a few more questions about the company she works for, etc.  I then tell her I'm also a photographer.  She hires me to take pictures of the new listing.  So I also make a new contact and possibly a new market to earn some extra income photographing homes for realtors.

All these ideas start going through my head about taking these classes...if I can do it, how will I come up with the money, when will I take them, I'm new here, will my boss get upset, yada yada yada.  Well you know what, yes I can do it as I've owned my own business, been a legal secretary for 12 years (preparing real estate forms in some offices), I can photograph my listings myself, design flyers and marketing material and the list goes on...I know I can do this.  I research the classes and talk with a few people and decide I am going to do this!  The door is wide open here for opportunity with future development plans here where I work.

Now I need to bring the subject up with my boss.  I did just that and she was on board and said she felt I would make a great realtor!  I looked up the real estate school and signed up for a career fair but it was on a Friday from 11-2.  I'm thinking shoot, I probably work that day.  Looked it up and I was off!  Is this real?  Everything just keeps lining up for me....

So yesterday I went to the Career Fair, in my dress and cowboy boots, and talked with about 30 different realtors, agents, business owners, etc. and also with the director to sign up for classes. While I'm there, I run into the broker of the agent that came into the office and shared her story with me about how she got started in real estate.  You know, the lady that set a fire under my butt.  I told the broker about how I met her agent and how impressed I was and she said that this lady was the Realtor of the Year for 2010 in her office. Wow.  Is this a coincidence that all these things that are happening?  I don't think so.  I thought to myself when I left yesterday who would be the first person to send me an email and guess who it was?  The one person I thought would and that is the broker of the agent I met.  She was a very positive and cheerful person who had a great story as well.  I've now had three emails and I forgot to mention one guy I met was a photographer as well!  We talked for quite a while and he share some information on a tool I didn't know wide angle lens that I can attach to my iphone! I can buy it at Best Buy for about $15....see, there is a reason I keep meeting all these interesting people...

And, an agent from one of the other businesses I visited with gave me a wonderful CD to listen to in my car.  Guess what it's about?  How a positive attitude can affect your life and business...I listened to it on the way into work and got all pumped up again!  Alot of points he makes are the same as The Secret.  Common thing going on here don't you think?  He mentions a bunch of positive thinking books and authors and I'm going to go out and get a few of these....

I have to give Tim some credit here as well as he has been telling me for months "Ask for what you want, ask for what you want".  You won't get anything unless you ask for it, right?  So go on, ask.  You might like what you get in return. I'm loving it.

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