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Sunday, July 17, 2011


I was reading an interesting article about our dreams and what they mean and of course, they did not have my recurring dream.  I suppose curious minds want to know what dream I've had since I was a child?  The dream isn't exactly the same every time but it always consists of a tornado tearing through a town or near my home, etc.  Needless to say, I've always been obsessed with tornadoes when they are on the news and hate to say it but the movie Twister is one of my favorites. You know, one of those movies where you are channel surfing and you come to a screeching halt because Bill Paxton is staring at you from the screen with that really cute boyish face? Or the cows are flying in the air?  I know the movie is not deep but dammit I enjoy it.

And of course the scene I love the most from Wizard of Oz is when the tornado comes and takes Dorothy away in the house....I'm thinking Dorothy and Mr. Oz made quite the impression on my young mind or scared the hell out of me...either way, it left me with a recurring dream of Tornadoes!  And I still have yet to see one in real life.  I would love to capture one with my camera somehow.  Like, in a field far enough away, and it drops down, lets me get the perfect shot, doesn't hurt anyone or anything, and then is sucked back into the ominous cloud it came from...think that will ever happen? I do :)

Anyway, my whole point was to write about some of the points the story talked about.  Just got a little side-tracked.  It says that every night when you dream you are subconsciously assessing what is going on in your life. Hmmmm. And it appears that dreams are where memories meet that sounds romantic to me for some reason (there I go again getting side-tracked) on one hand our dreams can help us tap into the emotional issues we face in our waking life, and on the other they are a way for our brains to catalog the events of the day. Here is how to "dream your problems away":

1. Choose the issue you want to dream about, like the arguments you've been having with your husband lately...
2. Now turn it into a question: Why have I been fighting with "Dick" so much? Write it down and keep it by your bed.
3. Repeat the question silently as you fall asleep and if your mind wanders (whose doesn't), force it to return to the question. (How the hell do you force your brain?)
4. When you wake up, write down as much of your dream as you can remember.
5. Once you have the dream on paper, ask yourself if it sheds any light on your question.

Hmmmm again.  I seriously don't think this will work!  You? Shall we try? I will if you will :)

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